About the Journal


E-ISSN: 2147-6926

Marmara University Journal of Political Science, published by Marmara University's Faculty of Political Science since 2013, is an international, open-access and peer-reviewed journal published biannually (March and September). In the 2018-2019 period, the journal was published under the title of International Journal of Political Science and Urban Studies.

The journal publishes original research and review articles as well as book reviews that are written in the Turkish, English and French languages in the field of political science, public administration, international relations and local governments. Special issues of the journal are edited by guest editors and focus on a specific topic.

The journal aims to contribute to the social science literature by providing an intellectual platform for original research that adheres to scientific standards. 

All issues of the journal are also available on the Dergipark platform:


Owner (on behalf of Marmara University): Prof. Mustafa KURT (Rector)
Owner (on behalf of Faculty of Political Science: Prof. Nail YILMAZ (Dean)


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