Publication Policy

I) Research Misconduct Allegations:

We take allegations of research misconduct seriously. Our publishers and editors diligently identify and prevent the publication of papers involving research misconduct, including plagiarism, citation manipulation, and data fabrication. We do not condone or tolerate such misconduct. In the event of any allegation of research misconduct, we follow established guidelines, such as those provided by COPE (Committee on Publication Ethics), to address and resolve the issue fairly and transparently.


II) Copyright and Licensing:

Creative Commons and Our Copyright Policies: Creative Commons (CC) principles play a pivotal role in shaping our journal's copyright and licensing policies. We embrace the CC framework as a means to empower authors and users by providing flexible and transparent options for sharing and using scholarly works. Our commitment to CC licenses underscores our dedication to open access and collaborative knowledge dissemination.


III) Author Fees:

No-Fee Policy: At our journal, we are proud to uphold a no-fee policy for all the services we provide. We believe in fostering equitable access to knowledge and facilitating scholarly communication without imposing financial barriers on authors, readers, or contributors. Our commitment to this principle underscores our dedication to the dissemination of research for the betterment of the scientific community and society at large. We ensure that our content, services, and resources remain freely accessible to all, promoting a culture of inclusivity and open exchange of ideas.


IV) Access and Archiving:

Accessibility and Archiving through Dergipark: Our journal is easily accessible and archived through Dergipark, a renowned platform that supports the dissemination and preservation of scholarly content. Dergipark provides a user-friendly interface that allows researchers, scholars, and readers to explore, search, and access our journal's published articles and related materials. This archiving solution ensures the long-term availability of our content, safeguarding it for future generations of researchers and readers. By leveraging Dergipark's capabilities, we contribute to the accessibility, discoverability, and permanence of our journal's contributions to the academic community.


V) Ownership and Management and Revenue Sources:

Non-Profit and Public University Affiliation

Our journal operates under the umbrella of a public university, funded entirely by public resources. As a non-profit entity, we are committed to serving the academic and research community by providing a platform for the dissemination of knowledge without any financial gain or profit motives. We rely solely on public funding and do not engage in any revenue-generating activities, such as advertising or direct marketing. Our primary focus is on advancing scholarship, promoting open access to research, and contributing to the global body of scientific knowledge. We are proud to align our efforts with the values of public education and the principles of non-commercial, transparent, and ethical scholarly communication.


VI) Editorial Office Contact:

We provide the full names, affiliations, and contact information of our journal's editors on our website. Additionally, our editorial office's complete address is available for communication.

This page updated by Marmara Üniversitesi Siyasal Bilimler Dergisi on 02.02.2024 23:06:27

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