Ethical Principles


Marmara University Journal of Political Science upholds a strong set of publication ethics to ensure the integrity and credibility of the research that is published in accordance with the principles of the Committee of Publication Ethics (COPE)

The journal ensures that the submitted manuscripts are judged on their merits regardless of the author's race, religion, nationality, sex, political view, seniority or institutional affiliation.

The journal's policies are prominently displayed on the journal's website.

Authors should present an objective discussion of the significance of their research as well as sufficient details and references in order to enable other researchers to replicate the experiments. Fraudulent or knowingly inaccurate statements in the manuscripts are unacceptable. Review articles should also be objective, comprehensive and accurate. Authors should ensure that their work is original. In case the work(s) of other researchers is used, this should be appropriately acknowledged in the manuscript. Plagiarism is unethical and unacceptable. Similarly, submitting the same manuscript to more than one journal is unethical and unacceptable. The corresponding author should ensure that the co-authors approve the final version of the paper as well as its submission for publication. Authors should also make sure that there is no conflict of interest in their submissions. They should obtain the approval of the “Ethics Board/Committee” for clinical and experimental studies conducted on humans and animals (including opinion polls, surveys, interviews, observations, experiments, focus group studies). This approval should be clearly stated and documented in the article (board’s name, date and issue number). They should make sure that their submissions comply with the copyright regulations (especially for tables, graphs, illustrations, pictures, photographs).

Reviewers should treat the manuscripts they receive for review as confidential documents. They should not use the original information or ideas that are presented in the manuscripts for their own personal advantage. They should conduct their reviews in an objective manner, and suggest their revisions in a clear and understandable way in order to help the authors improve the manuscript. They should notify the editors if they think they are unqualified to review the manuscript or if they believe they cannot review the manuscript in a reasonable amount of time. They should not accept to review manuscripts in which they have conflicts of interest.

Editors should evaluate the manuscripts on the basis of their academic merit regardless of the author's race, religion, nationality, sex, political view, seniority or institutional affiliation. They should not use unpublished information in their own research without the written consent of the author(s). They should also take adequate measures to address ethical complaints that could be presented with regard to a submitted manuscript.


I. Authorship and Contributorship:

The journal has clear guidelines for authorship and contributorship, outlining the criteria for inclusion and acknowledgment of authors based on their contributions.

Guidelines for Authorship and Contributorship

The journal places great importance on upholding ethical standards and ensuring transparency in authorship and contributorship. To establish clarity and fairness in attributing authorship, we have developed the following guidelines:

1. Authorship Criteria

Authors are individuals who have made substantial intellectual contributions to the conception, design, execution, or interpretation of the work being reported. To be considered an author, individuals must meet all of the following criteria:

a) Substantial Contribution: Authors must have actively participated in the conception or design of the study, the acquisition, analysis, or interpretation of data, and the drafting or critical revision of the manuscript for important intellectual content.

b) Final Approval: Authors should have reviewed and approved the final version of the manuscript and have agreed to its submission for publication.

c) Accountability: Authors are accountable for the accuracy and integrity of the entire work, ensuring that questions related to the accuracy or integrity of any part of the work are appropriately addressed.

2. Contributorship Acknowledgment

Individuals who have contributed to the research but do not meet the criteria for authorship should be acknowledged for their specific contributions. These contributors may include:

a) Data Collection or Analysis: Individuals who assisted in collecting, analyzing, or interpreting data but did not participate in the full process of conceptualization, design, and manuscript preparation.

b) Technical Support: Individuals who provided technical assistance, equipment, or facilities essential to the study.

c) Writing Assistance: Individuals who contributed to the writing or editing of the manuscript but did not fulfill all criteria for authorship.

d) Supervision: Individuals who provided guidance, mentorship, or supervision that significantly influenced the research or manuscript.

3. Order of Authors

The order of authors should reflect their relative contributions to the work. The first author typically contributed significantly to the study's design and execution, and the final author (often corresponding author) is typically responsible for overall supervision and intellectual direction. The order of authors in between should reflect the degree of their individual contributions.

4. Corresponding Author

The corresponding author is the primary point of contact for the journal and takes responsibility for the manuscript during the submission, peer review, and publication processes. They ensure that all authors have reviewed and approved the final version of the manuscript, respond to inquiries, and manage revisions.

5. Changes to Authorship

Any changes to the list of authors, their order, or contributorship acknowledgment should be communicated to the journal's editorial office before publication. Such changes require the consensus of all authors and should be accompanied by an explanation for the alteration.

By adhering to these guidelines, we aim to maintain transparency and fairness in the assignment of authorship and contributorship, recognizing the significant contributions of all individuals involved in the research process. These guidelines not only uphold ethical standards but also contribute to the credibility and integrity of the research we publish.


II) Complaints and Appeals:

The journal's process for handling the complaints and appeals is well-defined, enabling the editors to address any concerns in a prompt and fair manner.

Process for Handling Complaints and Appeals

The journal encourages authors, reviewers and readers to submit their concerns through the following procedures:

1. Complaints

a) Initial Contact: Concerned parties should first contact the Editorial Office via the designated communication channels provided on our journal's website.

b) Detailed Description: When submitting a complaint, individuals should provide a clear and detailed description of the issue, including relevant information such as manuscript details, review process, or editorial decisions.

c) Prompt Review: Our Editorial Office will promptly review the complaint, involving the appropriate parties, such as the Editor-in-Chief or relevant editors, as necessary.

d) Investigation: We conduct a thorough investigation of the complaint, taking all perspectives into account, to determine the validity of the concern raised.

e) Resolution: Based on the investigation, we will communicate our findings to the concerned parties and take appropriate actions to address the issue. This may involve corrections, retractions, clarifications, or other necessary steps.

2. Appeals

a) Submit Appeal: If authors or reviewers disagree with an editorial decision, they can submit an appeal to the Editorial Office.

b) Justification: Appeals should be accompanied by a clear and well-justified explanation for contesting the decision, addressing specific points of contention.

c) Reevaluation: The appeal and associated manuscript will undergo a reevaluation by an independent and unbiased editor or reviewer not involved in the initial decision.

d) Fair Consideration: The reevaluation process ensures that the appeal is considered fairly and impartially, taking into account the original decision and the new assessment.

e) Communication: We communicate the outcome of the appeal to the concerned parties, explaining the rationale behind the decision and any subsequent actions.

3. Timely Response

We are committed to providing timely responses to complaints and appeals, ensuring that concerns are addressed promptly and with the utmost diligence.

4. Confidentiality

All complaints and appeals will be treated with strict confidentiality. Information shared during the process will only be disclosed to individuals directly involved in investigating and resolving the matter.

5. Continuous Improvement

We view complaints and appeals as opportunities for improvement. Feedback received through this process allows us to refine our editorial practices, ensuring the ongoing enhancement of the quality and integrity of our journal.

By providing a transparent and well-structured process for handling complaints and appeals, we uphold the principles of fairness, accountability, and scholarly integrity. We are committed to fostering a scholarly environment where concerns are taken seriously and resolved in a manner that upholds the values of ethical publication.


III. Conflicts of Interest:

The journal’s policies address conflicts of interest and competing interests, ensuring that potential biases are disclosed transparently.

Conflicts of Interest and Competing Interests Policy

At our journal, we uphold the highest standards of transparency and integrity in all aspects of publication, including potential conflicts of interest and competing interests. Our comprehensive policies are designed to identify and manage conflicts of interest, ensuring the credibility and impartiality of the research we publish. We are committed to disclosing such interests transparently to maintain the trust of our readers, authors, and reviewers.

1. Disclosure of Conflicts of Interest

a) Authors: Authors are required to disclose any financial, professional, or personal relationships that might be perceived as influencing their research or the interpretation of their findings. This includes relationships with funding sources, institutions, organizations, or individuals that could potentially introduce bias.

b) Reviewers: Reviewers are expected to reveal any potential conflicts of interest that might compromise their ability to provide an unbiased assessment of the manuscript under review. If a reviewer identifies a conflict, they will be excluded from the review process for that specific manuscript.

2. Competing Interests

a) Definition: Competing interests refer to any conditions or circumstances that might influence, or be perceived to influence, the integrity, objectivity, or credibility of the research, review, or editorial process.

b) Transparent Reporting: Authors are required to provide a clear and concise statement regarding any potential competing interests at the time of submission. This information will be included in the published article.

3. Handling Conflicts of Interest

a) Editorial Review: Editors evaluate disclosed conflicts of interest to determine their potential impact on the research, review, or editorial process.

b) Transparent Reporting: If a conflict of interest is identified, it will be clearly stated within the published article to inform readers of potential biases that may have arisen during the research, analysis, or interpretation.

4. Managing Conflicts of Interest

a) Mitigation: If conflicts of interest are identified, we take measures to mitigate their potential influence. This may include increased scrutiny during peer review, additional editorial oversight, or open discussion of potential biases during the publication process.

b) Reviewer Independence: Reviewers are selected to provide impartial assessments of manuscripts and are chosen based on their expertise in the subject matter. Any potential conflicts that arise will result in the selection of alternate reviewers.

5. Editorial Decisions and Conflicts

a) Editorial Independence: Editorial decisions are made independently of any potential conflicts of interest held by authors, reviewers, or editors.

b) Transparency: In the spirit of transparency, we provide information on the editorial team's potential conflicts of interest on our journal's website.

Our conflicts of interest and competing interests policy is a cornerstone of our commitment to scholarly integrity and ethical publication practices. We believe that transparent reporting and responsible management of potential biases are essential to maintaining the credibility and trustworthiness of the research presented in our journal.


IV) Data Sharing and Reproducibility:

We advocate for data sharing and reproducibility, encouraging authors to provide comprehensive information to facilitate the verification and replication of their work.

Data Sharing and Reproducibility Policy

At our journal, we hold data sharing and reproducibility as essential components of rigorous and transparent scientific research. Our commitment to advancing knowledge and ensuring the validity of published research drives our advocacy for data sharing. We encourage authors to provide comprehensive data and information that enable the verification and replication of their work by fellow researchers and readers.

1. Data Availability

a) Open Access to Data: Authors are strongly encouraged to make their research data openly available whenever possible, in accordance with relevant ethical, legal, and privacy considerations.

b) Data Repositories: Authors should deposit their datasets in recognized and appropriate data repositories to ensure long-term preservation and accessibility.

2. Comprehensive Documentation

a) Detailed Descriptions: Authors should provide thorough descriptions of the methods, procedures, and techniques used in their research. This includes the materials, equipment, software, and statistical analyses employed.

b) Code Sharing: Sharing code and scripts used in data analysis, simulations, or modeling enhances the reproducibility of research findings.

3. Transparency and Verification

a) Supplementary Materials: Authors are encouraged to provide supplementary materials, such as protocols, questionnaires, and supplementary figures, to facilitate the reproducibility of their work.

b) Transparency in Analysis: Detailed information about data preprocessing, transformations, and statistical analyses should be included to ensure transparency and allow others to replicate the analyses.

4. Replication Studies

a) Encouraging Replication: We welcome replication studies that verify the findings of previously published research. Authors are encouraged to share data, methodologies, and any necessary information for replication.

5. Data Sharing Statements

a) Mandatory Statement: Authors are required to provide a data sharing statement in their manuscripts, indicating whether data are available and where they can be accessed.

b) Access Instructions: Data sharing statements should include clear instructions on how to access the data, whether through repositories, accompanying materials, or other means.

6. Ethical Considerations

Privacy and Consent: Authors should ensure that any shared data adhere to ethical guidelines and respect participant privacy and informed consent.

7. Impact on Review Process

Evaluation Criteria: Data sharing and reproducibility practices may be taken into consideration during the peer review process. Authors are encouraged to provide detailed explanations of their data sharing plans during manuscript submission.

By advocating for data sharing and reproducibility, we contribute to the robustness and validity of scientific research. We believe that open access to data and comprehensive documentation not only benefits the scientific community but also enhances the trustworthiness of the research we publish. As part of our commitment to scholarly integrity, we strive to foster a culture of transparency and collaborative knowledge advancement.


V) Ethical Oversight:

Our journal is committed to ethical oversight, adhering to ethical guidelines and standards in research involving human subjects, animals, and sensitive data.

Ethical Oversight Policy

At our journal, ethical oversight is paramount to the integrity and credibility of the research we publish. We are unwavering in our commitment to upholding ethical guidelines and standards, particularly when research involves human subjects, animals, or sensitive data. Our dedication to ethical oversight ensures that the rights, safety, and dignity of all stakeholders are preserved throughout the research process.

1. Research Involving Human Subjects

a) Informed Consent: Authors conducting research involving human subjects must adhere to the principle of informed consent. Subjects should be provided with clear and comprehensible information about the study's purpose, procedures, potential risks, and benefits. Authors should obtain explicit consent from participants before commencing the research.

b) Confidentiality: Authors must safeguard the confidentiality and anonymity of human subjects by avoiding the use of identifying information in published materials unless explicit consent has been obtained.

c) Ethics Review: Authors should indicate in their manuscripts whether their research involving human subjects received ethical review and approval from relevant institutional review boards or ethics committees.

2. Research Involving Animals

a) Animal Welfare: Authors engaged in research involving animals must prioritize the well-being of the animals and adhere to established ethical guidelines for animal welfare and care.

b) Appropriate Use: Authors should ensure that animal studies are conducted for valid scientific purposes and adhere to the principles of the Three Rs—Replacement, Reduction, and Refinement.

c) Ethics Review: Manuscripts reporting research involving animals should specify whether their study was conducted in accordance with appropriate animal ethics regulations.

3. Sensitive Data and Privacy

a) Protection of Sensitive Data: Authors handling sensitive data, including personal, medical, or proprietary information, must take adequate measures to protect the privacy and security of such data.

b) Anonymization: Authors should employ anonymization techniques to prevent the identification of individuals when reporting sensitive data.

4. Ethical Oversight and Review

a) Disclosure: Authors should transparently disclose any potential ethical concerns or issues related to human subjects, animals, or sensitive data within their manuscripts.

b) Editorial Review: Our editorial team carefully reviews manuscripts to ensure compliance with ethical guidelines and standards. In cases where ethical concerns are raised, the manuscript may undergo further scrutiny.

5. Adherence to Guidelines

Author Responsibility: Authors are responsible for ensuring that their research complies with relevant ethical guidelines and standards. This includes obtaining necessary approvals, adhering to ethical principles, and accurately reporting ethical considerations in their work.

Our dedication to ethical oversight underscores our commitment to upholding the rights, welfare, and dignity of all individuals and entities involved in research. By adhering to rigorous ethical standards, we contribute to the trustworthiness and significance of the research we publish, advancing knowledge while maintaining the highest ethical principles.


VI) Intellectual Property:

We respect intellectual property rights and expect authors to adhere to copyright regulations and appropriately attribute sources.

Intellectual Property Policy

At our journal, we hold a steadfast commitment to respecting intellectual property rights and promoting ethical practices in research and publication. We recognize the significance of safeguarding intellectual contributions and adhering to copyright regulations. Our policy underscores the importance of proper attribution and protection of authors' and creators' rights.

1. Adherence to Copyright Regulations

a) Originality and Attribution: Authors are required to submit original work that has not been previously published elsewhere. If the work is based on or includes previously published material, proper attribution must be provided, and permissions obtained as necessary.

b) Copyright Clearance: Authors are responsible for obtaining permissions for copyrighted materials, such as images, figures, tables, or extensive excerpts from other sources.

2. Proper Citation and Attribution

a) Source Identification: Authors should appropriately attribute sources and credit the original authors when referencing or citing previously published work.

b) Quotation: Direct quotations from sources should be accurately reproduced and enclosed within quotation marks. Any modifications to quoted text should be clearly indicated.

3. Protection of Intellectual Property

a) Plagiarism Prevention: We rigorously scrutinize submitted manuscripts to detect and prevent plagiarism, ensuring the originality and integrity of the research.

b) Original Work: Authors are expected to submit original work that reflects their own ideas, insights, and analysis. Any instances of self-plagiarism or recycling of content should be avoided.

4. Copyright and Licensing

a) Author's Rights: Authors retain copyright to their work and are free to disseminate their research as they see fit, adhering to the copyright and licensing terms agreed upon.

b) Licensing Agreement: Authors grant us a non-exclusive license to publish the work and make it accessible to readers, ensuring the widest possible dissemination of knowledge.

5. Ethical Use of Intellectual Property

a) Attribution of Ideas: Authors should acknowledge the influence of other scholars' ideas, concepts, or theories that have informed their research.

b) Respect for Contributors: Authors should ensure proper acknowledgment of contributors, such as those who provided assistance, guidance, or data.

6. Editorial Review and Compliance

a) Copyright Checks: Our editorial team performs thorough checks to verify the originality of submitted manuscripts and to ensure that copyright and attribution requirements are met.

b) Plagiarism Detection: We employ plagiarism detection tools to identify potential instances of plagiarism and ensure that the work meets high ethical and scholarly standards.

By upholding stringent standards for intellectual property, we contribute to the preservation of knowledge and the fair treatment of authors, creators, and sources. Our commitment to respecting intellectual property rights underscores our dedication to scholarly integrity and responsible research dissemination.

This page updated by Marmara Üniversitesi Siyasal Bilimler Dergisi on 03.02.2024 20:57:20

Marmara Üniversitesi Siyasal Bilimler Dergisi