Evaluation Process


Marmara University Journal of Political Science aims to publish the manuscripts of researchers who conduct interdisciplinary research in the field of social sciences. The peer review process is a crucial component in this process.

1. Submission of the manuscript: Author(s) should submit their manuscripts via the Dergipark platform: https://dergipark.org.tr/en/pub/marmarasbd. The manuscripts should be prepared in accordance with the format and style guidelines that are indicated at the journal's website.

2. Editorial evaluation: After the submission, editors check whether the manuscript meets the journal's criteria in terms of language, format, style and content. Manuscripts that fail to meet such criteria are rejected by the editors and the author(s) are informed about the final decision. The editorial evaluation process is generally completed in 2 weeks.

3. Selection of reviewers: Manuscripts that are approved by the editors are sent to at least two reviewers who are chosen from experts in the related field for "blind review". This means that the names and affiliations of the reviewers are strictly kept confidential by the editors. The evaluation of the book reviews are only made by the editors.

4. Review process: The reviewers are expected to make a detailed assesment of the manuscript by considering a number of criteria including quality, originality, methodology, conclusions and references. Reviewers send their reports about the manuscript to the editors which include their advise as to whether the manuscript should be accepted, rejected or revised. The review process is generally completed in 4 weeks.

5. Feedback to the author(s): The reports of the reviewers are shared with the author(s) and the author(s) are given the option to revise the manuscript in accordance with the suggestions of the reviewers. 

6. Final decision and publication: After the required revisions are made by the author(s), the reviewers check the manuscript one last time to see whether the manuscript could be accepted for publication. If they decide that the manuscript can be published, they inform the editors who eventually inform the author(s) about the acceptance decision. The accepted manuscripts are published in the upcoming issues of the journal. 

This page updated by Marmara Üniversitesi Siyasal Bilimler Dergisi on 03.02.2024 03:20:16

Marmara Üniversitesi Siyasal Bilimler Dergisi